Hard Things

The Narrow and Wide Gates

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Hard Things

My wife wrote on the mirror of the bathroom "I can do hard things." We had some goals that we were trying to accomplish as a couple and every time I walked into the bathroom I was reminded that what we were trying to do is hard. It wasn't complicated, it was just really demanding.

I have said many times that one of the things that I love about following Jesus is that the Gospel is simple. For God so loved the world that He died for you, so that your sins could be forgiven, and that we could have relationship with him for eternity, when we surrender to him as Lord. Done.

The problem is surrendering to God, an outside authority in your life, every day, in every moment, is really hard. It means denying your worst impulses, proactively seeking truth, and intentionally serving His kingdom instead of yours.

It's simple, but incredibly challenging at times.

But that's ok, because...

You can do hard things.

-Pastor Mitch