Give Up

Give up

For each of us the Baptist’s (John) words are true: “He must increase and I decrease.” He will be infinitely merciful to our repeated failures; I know no promise that He will accept a deliberate compromise. For He has, in the last resort, nothing to give us but Himself; and He can give that only in so far as our self-affirming will retires and makes room for Him in our souls. - C.S. Lewis (The Weight of Glory)


For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. - Romans 6:23


I am suspicious of free gifts. It seems to me that there is always some motive working behind the scenes. It’s one of the reasons that I am terrible at receiving gifts. Instead of enjoying the thoughtfulness and love of those around me through a gift, I analyze it. I have the unique ability of taking a perfectly kind gesture and ruining it by trying to understand it. I also know that I am not the only one with this compulsion.
It makes sense to me that if eternal life is the free gift of God, that so many of us struggle with it from time to time. Maybe God has some hidden motives behind this gift? Perhaps it’s a trap that will lock me into an eternity of something that really isn’t that good? What will I owe God if I accept this gift?

You owe God nothing.
He really is that good.
His only motive is to love you for the rest of eternity.

If you’re anything like me, you just need to surrender more, stop trying to understand it all, and start receiving the gift of grace that God has waiting for you in every moment, every day of your life, and into eternity. Just give up and give it to God.

P.S. This is one gift where regifting is highly encouraged.

-Pastor Mitch

Discussion Questions

  1. What was the best gift that you ever received? What was it like to receive it?

2.   How can you receive the free gift of God better today, so that you can enjoy the life of faith instead of question it?


Lord, help me surrender my life to you. I accept your free gift of grace for me today and pray that you will be at work in my life. Amen.