

7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. - Matt 7:7-8

Fall in the Texas hill country is so refreshing. One event that I look forward to every year is the first night that it cools off enough that we can open the windows in our house and let the fresh, cool fall air come into our home. Having that relief from what always feels like our never ending summers is just so sweet.
What amazes me is how even the smallest crack in one of our windows can completely change the atmosphere and aroma of our house. It goes from stuffy and stale to fresh and earthy.
Jesus wants us to leave the windows and doors open in our lives, even if they are just barely cracked; He can work with that. Jesus can change the atmosphere of your life if you give him an opening. Fresh, new, transformation is waiting for each one us if we are willing to be open.
Say a short prayer. Crack your bible. Serve your neighbor. Do something to leave the windows and doors of your life open to Jesus, it will change everything.

1. When was the last time that you left your life open for God to come in? What can you do today to give God a chance to renew you?

God, I invite you into my life, my day, this very moment. You have every permission to shape who I am and what I will do. Amen.